Please see our Resources webpage where you can find our list of publications classified by topic for ease of reference.
January 15, 2019: Dr. Pilar Ortega was awarded the Premio Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España (RANME) de la Información, Comunicación y Difusión de la Salud (Spain's Royal National Academy of Medicine Award for Health Information, Communication and Dissemination) for her work in 2018 in improving patient physician communication through Medical Spanish as a means of achieving global health equity. Enjoy the video of the ceremony!
April 12, 2019: Dr. Carmen Pérez-Muñoz (NAMS member) received an Innovation Teaching Award at Wake Forest University for redesigning the Spanish for the Health Professions class (SPA 328). The course now follows the organization of the medical interview; in addition, students volunteer in a clinic during the semester, write research projects on latino health issues, and share their research in a poster presentation. Their final assignments is a role-play activity with standardized patients at the Simulation Center at Wake Downtown in which each student has 20 minutes to perform a full medical interview with a native Spanish speaker.
Dr. Natalia Santamaria Laorden (NAMS member):
- 2020. American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators and Director of Language Programs . Language Innovation Award: Finalist in the racial/ social justice category.
June 2022: CVS Corporate Giving Grant. One NAMS member has been awarded a grant for his project “Medical Spanish Seminar for Spanish Immersion Summer Internship Program.” Dr. Robert Mueller, PharmD, BCPS is the project leader and presenter of this seminar. The purpose of this project is to offer an annual 3hr training seminar in medical Spanish to CVS pharmacy interns throughout the country at the beginning of the Spanish Immersion Summer Internship Program. This training seminar will be conducted via a live video-conference and participants will be required to actively engage and verbally participate. Objectives of the seminar include:
- Review basic Spanish pronunciation
- Outline key phrases for establishing a patient-pharmacist relationship
- Discuss communication strategies for communicating with Spanish-speaking patients
- Practice prescription directions translation
- Review process for asking questions in Spanish and outline key questions for prescription intake and pickup
- Review key phrases for patient education in Spanish
- Discuss additional cultural notes relevant to caring for a Spanish-speaking population
- List additional resources for using the Spanish language in pharmacy practice
The goal of the seminar is to help prepare CVS pharmacy interns to provide more linguistically and culturally-appropriate care to the growing and diverse Spanish-speaking patient population they serve.
July, 2020: NBME Stemmler Grant. Several Medical Spanish Taskforce leaders have been awarded a grant for their project "Medical Spanish Proficiency Assessment: Evaluating Physician Communication with Spanish-speaking Patients in Medical Education Settings." Dr. Pilar Ortega, MD and Dr. Lisa Diamond, MD MPH are co-Principal Investigators, and Dr. Cristina Pérez-Cordón, PhD, Dr. Leah Karliner, MD, and Dr. Steven Gregorich, PhD are Co-Investigators. The project will be funded by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Stemmler Fund. The NBME is the principal organization in charge of U.S. physician assessment examinations.
Dr. Natalia Santamaria Laorden (NAMS member):
- 2018-2020. Project Investigator of the Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Federal Grant from the Department of Education (USA). “Enhancing the Certificate of Spanish for Health Care and Human Services Professionals”. Creation of Interdisciplinary Courses, Study Abroad Programs and Local Internships” ($154,794).
- 2020-2022. Project Investigator of the Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Federal Grant from the Department of Education (USA). “Improving cross-cultural communication between patients and human services professionals”. Creation of courses on narrative medicine in cross-cultural contexts, interpretation in human services courses and national and international internships with aphasia centers ($160,488)